Hub 3 Haka


Relationships (students, school-wide, community) with high expectations

This term we had the opportunity to develop our knowledge of Tikanga Maori as well as learn new kupu. 
We did this through learning a haka. 

Here we are performing!

Reading Term 3


Learning Intention:Find and/or remember information in the text I have read to answer questions

Success Criteria: I will have achieved this when I am able to answer questions based on information I have read.

Numeracy - Fractions

I am learning about Fractions

I will know I have been successful when I can:
·      Recognise fraction symbols (1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5, 1/10)
·      Find a fraction of a shape

·      Find a fraction of number

Term 2 Dance

Click to enlarge